Figaro's Password Manager 2 v0.90

Users Rating: 4.5/5 (33 votes)
Subito Piano17 Jun 2023

To get Figaro to copy and paste usernames and passwords:

Go to SETTINGS>PREFERENCES>OTHERS. Set the copy target to "clipboard." If you want to check "Clear copy after paste," be sure to change from the default 0 seconds (which will clear the clipboard before you can paste it) to something more reasonable, say, 5 - 10 seconds.

That will hopefully fix it for others, as it did for me. (using Puppy Linux - "FossaPup")

Marcel06 Sep 2022

"xsel -p" is blank and "xsel -b" to under wayland.

Pete04 Aug 2022

what output of "xsel -p" or "xsel -b" do you have after copy user/pass from fpm2?

Marcel03 Jun 2022

Hi, it seams to be that "fpm2" is broken. On Wayland (with Plasma) it doesn't copy username and password when you click the "Jump" Button.
I tryed diffenent settings (copy to clipboard, clear clipboard after "0" seconds, after "99" seconds, fill in primary....nothing does work.

And if it goes to tray - you never could bring it up again.

FPM2 was great, but now it doesn't work any more :( :(

Is there a chance, that it will be fixed soon?


Marcel29 Jan 2022

Hi, it seams to be that "fpm2" is broken. It doesn't copy username any more (X11). On Wayland it doesn't copy username AND password.
I tryed diffenent settings (copy to clipboard, clear clipboard after "0" seconds, after "99" seconds, fill in primary....nothing does work.

FPM2 was great, but now it doesn't work any more :( :(

Is there a chance, that it will be fixed soon?


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